‘Above all, it is vital that the current trend towards the narrowing of the formation of new practitioners, prompted by a fetishization of instrumental skills at the expense of ideas, free-thinking and an open engagement with the world, is challenged.’
Duncan & Stoneman, 2014
Screen-Based Storytelling explores ways of weaving catalytic social critiques into the development of innovative, playful and pluralistic narratives. The seminar is designed to sharpen perception, celebrate curiosity and enhance creativity within a collaborative multi-media environment. It moves through the progressive stages of play, ‘machine intelligence,’ design, communication and feeling as mediated through immersive screen-based technologies.
Ways of Humans Playing: Humans experimenting and in control (Speculative Design)
Ways of Machine Hearing: sound recording and music (incl. perspectives and emotion)
Ways of Machine Seeing: 2D, 3D, stills and 360, framing and movement.
Ways of Machine Creating: fusing the material through editing, juxtaposition
Ways of Machine Telling: Platforms of Experience - online, mobile, cinema, galleries, XR
Ways of Humans Feeling: Impact, Action and Re-Action
Book & film list
Barrett, E. and Bolt, B. eds., 2019. Practice as Research Approaches to Creative Arts Enquiry. London: Bloomsbury.
Bordwell,D and Thompson, K., 2019. Film Art: An Introduction. New York. McGraw-Hill Eduation
Bradbury, V. and O’Hara. S. eds., 2020. Art Hack Practice Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement. Oxon: Routledge.
Bregman, R., 2017. Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There. Bloomsbury
Deleuze, G., and Guattari, F., 1987. A Thousand Plateaus Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press.
Dunne, A. and Raby, F., 2013. Speculative Everything, Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Petrie, Duncan, and Rod Stoneman. Educating Film-makers : Past, Present and Future, Intellect Books Ltd, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Saltmarshe, E., 2018 Using Story To Change Systems Stanford Social Innovation Review (February 20, 2020)